Category: Transit

FHWA Offers Primer on Asset Management for ITS

Practices of Transportation Asset Management (TAM) have been applied in state, national, and foreign transportation agencies to notable success. TAM is an applied form of both engineering and economic analysis,

Read the NADTC’s 2021 Trends Report

The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC) publishes an annual report highlighting leaders in industry-wide innovation and work by communities to expand transportation information and access to those in

Rural Transportation Rider Survey Example

During the Transportation Research Board’s 2021 Rural and Intercity Bus Transportation Conference, Kendra McGeady shared information about a rural transit’s innovative after-hours expansion. McGeady serves as Transit Director of Pelivan

Federal Transit Administration Funding Opportunities

FY 2021 American Rescue Plan (ARP) Additional Assistance FTA Section 5307 and Section 5311 recipients and subrecipients may apply for American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act Additional Assistance funding through a

Community Rides Grants

The National Rural Transit Assistance Program (RTAP) Community Rides Grants program will offer current recipients and subrecipients of the Federal Transit Administration (FTA)’s Formula Grants for Rural Areas (Section 5311)

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