About NADO

The National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) provides advocacy, education, research, and training for the nation’s regional planning and economic development organizations, including the emerging network of nonmetropolitan regional transportation planning organizations (RTPOs). The association and its members promote regional strategies, partnerships, and solutions to strengthen the economic competitiveness and quality of life across America’s local communities.

The NADO Research Foundation is the 501(c)(3) nonprofit affiliate of NADO. The Research Foundation provides professional development training, research and peer networking services. The Research Foundation examines new and innovative practices in regional development, strives to improve the organizational and professional capacity of regional development organizations and their partners, and bridges the communications gaps between policy makers, practitioners and the public.

Rural Planning Organizations of America (RPO America) was established in June 2006 by the NADO Board of Directors to serve as the national professional association for regional and rural transportation planning professionals, practitioners and other interested stakeholders.  Led by the National RPO Council of Peers, RPO America:

  • Enhances the professional and organizational development of rural transportation planners and others by providing information, peer networking, and research initiatives
  • Serves as the national clearinghouse and forum for exchange among its rural transportation stakeholders
  • Sponsors activities to showcase the accomplishments of rural transportation planning organizations to public officials, communities and the private sector
  • Advises NADO and its leadership, membership and management on matters related to rural transportation planning and development

Read the bylaws of RPO America (PDF), as adopted in 2017.

The National RPO Council of Peers (RPO Council) serves as the leadership of RPO America. The RPO Council provides advice, input and ideas to the NADO Board of Directors, transportation policy task force and management. Members of the Council are appointed by the NADO president, with the advice and consent of the NADO board, for two-year terms without term limitations.

The RPO Council includes of a steering committee elected in conjunction with the association’s annual business meeting, which is held in conjunction with the National Rural Transportation Peer Learning Conference. The steering committee’s officers include a chair, vice-chair and secretary (which are elected positions) and a non-elected treasurer (NADO’s executive director). Members of the NADO Executive Committee and the chair and vice-chair of the NADO Transportation Policy Task Force also serve as ex-officio voting members of the steering committee.

For more information on NADO and our membership, visit www.NADO.org. RPOs and RTPOs that are not set up as a program of a multi-jurisdictional regional planning and development organization may qualify to be an associate member of NADO, eligible to receive the benefits of membership at a lower dues rate.

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