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FEMA’s National Resilience Guidance

FEMA announced the release of the National Resilience Guidance (NRG) and a webinar series that will provide an overview of the NRG and the supplemental resilience resources also available. Register for the webinars on:

AAA: COVID-19 Impact on Traffic Safety Ongoing

A new study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety indicates that the COVID-19 pandemic’s negative impact on traffic safety trends in the United States – such as an increase

Road Safety Champion Program

The National Center for Roadway Safety is offering the Road Safety Champion Program (RSCP). This is a nationally-recognized “Roadway Safety 101” training series. It is made for staff in transportation,

RPO America Elects Officers, Discusses Bylaws

On Tuesday, July 30, NADO’s program affiliate RPO America conducted its annual business meeting in Greenville, SC, in conjunction with the National Regional Transportation Conference. During the meeting, members elected


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Featured Resource: DOT Navigator

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s DOT Navigator is a one-stop shop for discovering federal grant and technical assistance opportunities. Click below to be taken to the DOT web page (external link).