Category: ITS

FHWA-NHI Training for ITS and Highway Safety

The FHWA’s National Highway Institute offers Web-based Training that may be of interest to transportation practitioners. This post will address two specific programs concerning Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). The first,

Article on CV Data’s Safety Boosting Potential

A recent article by GCN – Government Computer News, a tech publication from GovExec – explored the potential of data gathered by connected vehicle (CV) sensors to inform and enhance

Connected and Automated Vehicle Education from USDOT

The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Joint Program Office has developed resources on Connected and Automated Vehicle education (CAVe). The CAVe tools help stakeholders develop their

The Potential of Public Transit ITS Data Sharing

Agencies and industries across sectors have seen the benefits of collaborative data sharing. Transportation practitioners exchanging and implementing best practices can make great strides in efficiency and equity, on both

NADO Staff Share ITS Research

During the 2022 Transportation Research Board Tools of the Trade conference (August 29-31), NADO Associate Director Carrie Kissel shared the NADO Research Foundation’s work on transportation technology case studies. This

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