Tag: South Carolina

Advancing Collaborative Planning: Summary of a Focus Group on Transportation and Economic Development

In March 2016, the NADO Research Foundation held a focus group, during which participants developed a framework that emphasizes doing economic development and transportation planning differently:
Economic development in transportation involves deliberate interventions to produce tangible benefits that are specific to the context, are sustained over time, and make a place more resilient.

Grand Strand Routing and Wayfinding Plan

The Waccamaw Regional Council of Governments developed the Grand Strand Routing and Wayfinding Plan to ease travel in the 60 mile-long urbanized area around Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, an area

Walk Bike Columbia Plan

The Walk Bike Columbia Plan envisions an expanded and ADA-accessible network of transit, sidewalks, greenways, trails, and on-street bicycle connections linking people to jobs, schools, destinations, adjacent communities, and one

2010 – 2013 RPO America Peer Symposium Proceedings

With support from the Federal Highway Administration, the NADO Research Foundation held a special symposium session during the 2010 – 2013 National Rural Transportation Peer Learning Conferences.  Each year, the

South Carolina

In 1997, the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) began to contact with the state’s existing network of regional councils of governments (COGs) to conduct rural planning activities to plan

Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning in Rural South Carolina

On April 25, 2013, the National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) Research Foundation held the Rural Planning Organizations (RPO) America Peer Symposium in Greenville, SC.  This event was sponsored by

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