Category: NADO Publications

New Resources on Transportation and Regional Development

The NADO Research Foundation has recently released several short resource sheets related to rural transportation and other regional development issues related to location and access: In addition, NADO’s technical assistance

Rural Transportation Technical Assistance Reports

Beginning in late 2017, the NADO Research Foundation and project partners Small Urban, Rural, and Tribal Center on Mobility (a consortium led by the Western Transportation Institute at Montana State

2017 Regional Transportation Peer Exchange Summary

The summary documents discussion themes such as evolving RTPO planning with new practices and recent successful developments; connecting transportation planning and economic resilience; funding and partnerships; opportunities and concerns from transformative innovation; and participants’ hopes and expectations for the future, as regional transportation planning organizations and their state, local, and federal partners take on new tasks and address new opportunities.

RTPO Peer Exchange Summary

The NADO Research Foundation is pleased to announce the availability of a new document summarizing a peer exchange event that occurred in fall 2016. The Regional Transportation Planning Organization Peer

Additional Resources


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