EVs are becoming increasingly viable in rural areas for both personal and commercial uses. Collective efforts to address concerns about electric vehicle charging at a systematic level are producing benefits for both EV adoption and long-term support for current owners. Several successful pilot programs demonstrating the utility of electrified fleet and farm vehicles show unrealized potential to revolutionize the way goods and produce are transported between farms and marketplaces in the United States. Programs focused on incentivizing the adoption of electrified transportation technologies and the supporting infrastructure needed will assist in the realization of the environmental, financial, and societal benefits these technologies stand to offer.
Through a grant project supported by American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Center for Environmental Excellence (CEE), the NADO Research Foundation developed an issue brief on EV infrastructure in rural areas. This issue brief discusses benefits of EVs, policy framework, and case studies on coordination between States DOTs and RTPOs/RPOs.