Tag: Iowa

Advancing Collaborative Planning: Summary of a Focus Group on Transportation and Economic Development

In March 2016, the NADO Research Foundation held a focus group, during which participants developed a framework that emphasizes doing economic development and transportation planning differently:
Economic development in transportation involves deliberate interventions to produce tangible benefits that are specific to the context, are sustained over time, and make a place more resilient.

East Central Iowa Multi-Disciplinary Safety Team

In 2011, the East Central Iowa Council of Governments (ECICOG) completed the Comprehensive Regional Development Strategy, a joint planning document that serves as both the region’s Long-Range Transportation Plan and

Unified Regional Visions and Plans: Iowa

This article is a section in the 2014 NADO Research Foundation report Moving toward Performance-based Transportation Planning in Rural and Small Metropolitan Regions. The Iowa DOT had embarked on its


When ISTEA became law in 1991, regional transportation became a focal point. In response, the Iowa Transportation Commission designated regional transit-planning regions where local officials were given ownership over the

2010 – 2013 RPO America Peer Symposium Proceedings

With support from the Federal Highway Administration, the NADO Research Foundation held a special symposium session during the 2010 – 2013 National Rural Transportation Peer Learning Conferences.  Each year, the

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