FHWA Scenario Planning Guidebook, Resources

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The Federal Highway Administration has published a new Scenario Planning Guidebook.  The purpose of this guidebook is to assist transportation agencies with carrying out a scenario planning process from start to finish. Transportation agencies can use the guidebook as a framework to develop a scenario planning approach tailored to their needs. The guidebook provides detailed information on the six key phases that agencies are likely to encounter when implementing a scenario planning process. For each phase, the guidebook provides considerations, steps, examples, and strategies to help guide agencies in managing and implementing a comprehensive scenario planning effort. While this guidebook focuses on regional scenario planning, it recognizes that scenario planning is flexible and can be used to address many different issues at multiple scales, such as at the statewide level.  The guidebook is available at http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/planning/scenplan/guidebook/index.htm.

In addition, the proceedings report from an FHWA-sponsored peer workshop in East Lansing has also been released.  This report documents an overview of scenario planning and shared examples from agencies nationwide that have implemented the technique. Event participants discussed general scenario planning process steps as well as analysis tools for developing, analyzing, and evaluating scenarios. Also discussed were potential challenges and benefits, possible outcomes from scenario planning, success factors, and lessons learned.  To view the report, visit http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/planning/scenplan/miscenplanrpt.htm.

Additional resources on scenario planning are located at http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/planning/scenplan/index.htm.

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