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FHWA Environmental Review Toolkit: Resources for Planning and Environment Linkages

FHWA Environmental Review Toolkit: Resources for Planning and Environment Linkages

In This Article:

The two most recent Planning and Environment Linkages resources posts at provided an overview of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for rural and small metropolitan audiences and key questions and answers about PEL, what it is, and how PEL relates to state and local planning processes.

Regional and rural transportation planning agencies that are ready to incorporate PEL into their planning process will want to look at the Federal Highway Administration’s Environmental Review Toolkit. The toolkit is divided into five sections:

  • Implementation
  • Effective Practices
  • Publications
  • Training & Workshops
  • Archived Material

Implementation includes a list of tools, sample actions, and practical applications or case studies. For example, under the sub topic “Coordination and Communication” is the tool Communicate with Stakeholders, a list of Sample Actions, a Maine case study, and example California Department of Transportation community impact assessment website. A regional example is “PEL Integration into the Planning Process in Southeastern Michigan.”

Effective Practices is a series of case studies listed by topic and state. Topics include Integrated Planning, Process Guidelines, and Partnering Agreements and Collaborations. A regional example is Texas Capital Area MPO’s Long Range Transportation Plan

Publications is a list of research and reports by topic: General, Climate Change, Collaborative Decision Making, Corridor Planning, Freight, Funded Positions, Historic Preservation, Land Use, and Performance Measures.

Training and Workshops provides a list of archived PEL webinars and peer exchanges from Texas, Washington, DC, Colorado, Illinois, and Maryland.

Archived Material includes older material and questions & answers for practitioners and planners who would like to learn more about PEL.

Explore FHWA’s Environmental Review Toolkit to learn more and subscribe to FHWA’s Planning, Environment & Realty news to receive updates.

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