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Center for Disease Control’s Community Health Status Indicators

In This Article:

The Center for Disease Control’s Community Health Status Indicators (CHSI) 2015 is an interactive web application that produces health profiles for all 3,143 counties in the United States. Each profile includes key indicators of health outcomes, which describe the population health status of a county and factors that have the potential to influence health outcomes, such as health care access and quality, health behaviors, social factors (economic and social conditions that may directly or indirectly influence the health of people and communities) and the physical environment (the natural environment (air, water, and soil) and the built environment (safe and affordable housing, transportation, access to nutritious and affordable food.) The social factors and the physical environment are especially important because they represent the conditions in which people are born, live, work, and play. Key features include:

  • an “at a glance” summary of how a county compares with peer counties on the full set of Primary Indicator
  • info describing the significance of the indicator, source/years of data, methodology for creation, and any limitations.
  • indicator values for each group of peer counties can be downloaded for further examination and analysis.
  • allows users to compare an indicator value for the entire population of a county with sub-populations defined by sex, age groups, and race/ethnicity, where data are available. This feature can be used to assist with identifying potential health disparities.
  • identify vulnerable populations and potential health disparities by examining the geographic distribution of select social factor indicators within a county (by census tract).
  • Associated Indicators–these are indicators that are related to the primary indicator and may provide additional valuable information. For example, the primary indicator for educational attainment is on-time high school graduation rate. Associated Indicators include percent of adults without a high school diploma and percent of adults with an associate level degree or higher.

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