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Category: Data for Regional Planning

 Upcoming DOT Navigator Webinar Series

DOT is hosting a two-part webinar series to help communities use data to effectively tell their stories in planning, development, and applying for DOT grants.  Register for the webinar series here. 

Transit Data GTFS Workshops to Occur in March 2023

Guest post from the National Rural Transit Assistance Program (RTAP) Information on GTFS Workshops In July 2022, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) proposed a requirement that a General Transit Feed

National Broadband Map Released by FCC

The new, draft National Broadband Map shows availability at a more granular level than earlier maps. Challenges to the map’s accuracy should be submitted by January 13, 2023.

FHWA Releases Freight Analysis Framework Update

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has announced a freight flow data release for the Freight Analysis Framework (FAF) version 5. A full FAF data update occurs every five years in

Tourism Data in Traffic Estimation

Travel demand models usually are used in urban regions. However, this report uses tourism data to estimate traffic volume on low-volume roads in Wyoming.

Rural/Urban Safety Data Available

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) released 2018 data related to traffic fatalities in the Traffic Safety Facts brief Rural/Urban Comparison of Traffic Fatalities (PDF). According to the brief,

COVID-19 Data Sources Available

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) has released the data dashboard Daily Travel during the COVID-19 Pandemic. The dashboard provides information on topics such as: How

RDO Resource Page on Equity

The NADO Research Foundation has curated a series of resources related to equity and regional economic development and planning that may be useful to RDOs on our website.

The page includes examples of RDOs’ work, as well as resources on data, engagement, economic development, planning, transportation, and resources to shape policy and program design. It will be updated over time with more information.

New Report on Small Town Evacuation Risks

A new analysis of 30,000 towns under 40,000 population identifies risks to evacuation from overcrowded roads or a lack of route options.  From StreetLight Data, the analysis used anonymous cell

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