Category: Transit

TRB TCRP Report on Dialysis Transportation

The Transportation Research Board’s (TRB) Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) has released a pre-publication version of Research Report 203: Dialysis Transportation: Intersection of Transportation and Healthcare. The report responds to

Best Practices in Rural Regional Mobility

The Transportation Research Board has recently released the new report National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Research Report 861: Best Practices in Rural Regional Mobility. This report provides useful information

Public Transportation’s Impact on Rural and Small Towns

The American Public Transportation Association has released the report Public Transportation’s Impact on Rural and Small Towns (PDF).  According to the researchers, small town and rural public transit ridership increased

Veterans Data Central

The Housing Assistance Council has published the website Veterans Data Central to provide information on the social, economic, and housing characteristics of veterans in the United States. Data tables for

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