Category: Public Participation

AASHTO Comments on CEQ’s Proposed NEPA Revisions

The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials recently submitted a six-page comment letter to the Council on Environmental Quality or CEQ regarding proposed revisions to the National Environmental Policy Act

RDO Resource Page on Equity

The NADO Research Foundation has curated a series of resources related to equity and regional economic development and planning that may be useful to RDOs on our website.

The page includes examples of RDOs’ work, as well as resources on data, engagement, economic development, planning, transportation, and resources to shape policy and program design. It will be updated over time with more information.

APA Develops Equity Policy Guide

The American Planning Association (APA) has developed the Planning for Equity Policy Guide with input from its membership.  The policy guide offers guidance on cross-cutting topics within the discipline of

Updated Guide on Conducting Community Impact Assessments

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration published an updated version of Community Impact Assessment: A Quick Reference for Transportation in June 2018. The guide, originally published in 1996,

Additional Resources


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