The Federal Highway Administration will be hosting a Focus on Reducing Rural Roadway Departures (FoRRRwD) webinar on April 19, 2022 from 1:00-3:00 pm EST. With lane departures on rural roads accounting for a full third of U.S. traffic fatalities (and approximately 30 deaths per day), state, local, and tribal practitioners are increasingly adopting roadside safety hardware to minimize crash severity. Maintenance, placement, and replacement are all challenges in appropriately adopting this hardware. Three transportation practitioners featured in this webinar provide lessons learned and best practices: Mazen Maradvich of Maricopa County, Hassan Raza of the Pennsylvania DOT, and Christine Black of the Central Federal Lands Highway Division.
To access this free webinar, register in advance at this link.
Three additional resources on local and rural road safety are now available from the Rural Safety Center:
- A Handbook with Tips and Tools for Developing A Local Road Safety Plan for Your Community. This handbook is a resource for local practitioners developing an LRSP, providing insights from those agencies that have completed one and those who have supported others in their development and implementation. The handbook can be accessed at this link.
- Developing Regional/Local Road Safety Plans Video. This training video overviews six steps for creating an LRSP and lessons learned from agencies operating in St. Louis County, Minnesota; the East West Gateway Council of Governments in Missouri; and the South Central Regional Safety Coalition in Louisiana. The video can be accessed at this link.
- Guidance on Growing Traffic Safety Culture. This guidance report provides practitioners insights gathered from rural communities engaging in efforts to nurture traffic safety culture, while facing challenges including limited resources, distributed populations, and limitations on road safety professionals. The report can be accessed at this link.