Day: February 17, 2015

Rural Evacuation Planning in Illinois

The Bi-State Regional Commission’s Evacuation Plan for the Illinois Bi-State Region serves as a comprehensive and cohesive resource for evacuation planning in Henry, Mercer, and Rock Island counties. Given the

Rural Safe Routes to School Planning

In partnership with the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT), the Minnesota Association of Development Organizations (MADO) has been responsible for actively encouraging Minnesota school districts and local communities to participate

RVAMPO Congestion Management Process Plan

Roanoke Valley Alleghany Regional Commission’s first ever Congestion Management Process (CMP) Plan was approved by the Roanoke Valley Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (RVAMPO) on January 23, 2014. The CMP Plan

Roanoke Valley Sustainable Transportation Summit

Roanoke Valley Alleghany Regional Commission‘s Transportation Demand Management program, RIDE Solutions, partnered with local anti-poverty and environmental nonprofit The Cabell Brand Center to host the region’s first Sustainable Transportation Summit.

North by Northwest Connector Regional Transit

The North by Northwest Connector is a regional transit network that links transit service in Benton, Clatsop, Columbia, Lincoln and Tillamook counties. Transit schedules are coordinated between adjoining districts allowing

Croatan Regional Bicycle + Trails Plan

The Croatan Regional Bicycle + Trails Plan merges two separate but complementary efforts to create both on-road bicycle routes and a network of multi-use trails throughout the Eastern Carolina Council

Northeast Georgia Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Program

The Northeast Georgia Regional Commission (NEGRC) is recognized throughout the state as an innovative leader in bicycle and pedestrian planning. The Northeast Georgia Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Program, funded in

Coastal Georgia Technology and Rural Transit

The Coastal Regional Commission (CRC)’s Regional Coordinated Transit System was established in 2009 after a locally-commissioned study identified the need for a single transit system to serve the region and

River Valley Regional Transit Service

In late 2013, the River Valley Regional Commission (RVRC) was notified that the Department of Human Services (DHS) transit contractor in an adjacent region was discontinuing their contract. Recognizing that

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