Providing Reliable, Safe, and Affordable Transportation Options for At-Risk Families through Mobility Management

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Seeing a need to enhance mobility for low-income individuals in the rural and urban portions of their region, the Lee-Russell Council of Governments sought Federal Transit Administration Job Access and Reverse Commute funds to create the state’s first mobility manager staff position. Through the program Providing Reliable, Safe, and Affordable Transportation Options for At-Risk Families through Mobility Management, the mobility manager conducts outreach efforts and matches individuals with low incomes who need transportation to employment or employment related activities with the most appropriate transportation provider. Ridership in the program increased 111 percent in just the first year and has continued to grow. The program is making a significant impact by making reliable transportation available: over 75 program participants in the past five years have moved out of low-income housing or purchased their own vehicle, and many more have maintained steady employment. In addition, the coordination with public and private transportation providers has helped to extend the service areas and times, reaching more rural clients and offering service on weekends, holidays, and after hours including during weekdays.

This initiative received a 2015 NADO Innovation Award.  For more information, contact:

Megan McCollough | Mobility Manager/Planning and Economic Development Specialist |

Suzanne Burnette | Executive Director |

Opelika, AL | 334.749.5264 |

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