National Regional
Transportation Conference
Thank you to everyone who attended this year’s virtual National Regional Transportation Conference! We had over 130 attendees and speakers discussing relevant transportation topics from equity to funding, mobility to scenario planning, virtual public involvement to economic and environmental resilience. If you would like to explore the new resources mentioned by U.S. Department of Transportation presenters and our plenary speakers, we have posted those links here. Slides for many of the other presentations are available on the Agenda & Presentations page of the conference site. Recordings will be available to conference registrants in August 2020.
- U.S. Department of Transportation
Rural Opportunities to Use Transportation for Economic Success (ROUTES)
Applicant Toolkit for Competitive Funding Programs at USDOT
- Federal Highway Administration
Virtual Public Involvement Video Series, Webinars, and Fact Sheets - Federal Transit Administration/Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility
CCAM Cost-Sharing Policy Statement
Federal Fund Braiding Guide - Lincoln Institute (Impacts of COVID-19)
Consortium for Scenario Planning - Institute for Sustainable Communities (Addressing Equity in Transportation Planning)
U.S. Programs and Local Solutions
Save the date for next year’s National Regional Transportation Conference: July 20 – 22, 2021.