Tag: Oregon

North by Northwest Connector Regional Transit

The North by Northwest Connector is a regional transit network that links transit service in Benton, Clatsop, Columbia, Lincoln and Tillamook counties. Transit schedules are coordinated between adjoining districts allowing


The Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC) oversees state transportation policy and authorized the creation of Area Commissions on Transportation (ACTs) in 1996.  ACTs are voluntary regional advisory entities that serve a

2010 – 2013 RPO America Peer Symposium Proceedings

With support from the Federal Highway Administration, the NADO Research Foundation held a special symposium session during the 2010 – 2013 National Rural Transportation Peer Learning Conferences.  Each year, the

Improved Transportation through Statewide Collaboration

On April 25, 2013, the National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) Research Foundation held the Rural Planning Organizations (RPO) America Peer Symposium in Greenville, SC.  This event was sponsored by

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