Tag: Minnesota

Rural Safe Routes to School Planning

In partnership with the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT), the Minnesota Association of Development Organizations (MADO) has been responsible for actively encouraging Minnesota school districts and local communities to participate


The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) established its Area Transportation Partnership (ATP) program to broaden input into the project selection process and to comply with new consultation requirements in ISTEA. 

2010 – 2013 RPO America Peer Symposium Proceedings

With support from the Federal Highway Administration, the NADO Research Foundation held a special symposium session during the 2010 – 2013 National Rural Transportation Peer Learning Conferences.  Each year, the

Arrowhead Region: A Portfolio of Transportation Assets

The 2008 report Arrowhead Region: A Portfolio of Transportation Assets(PDF) showcases the role of the Arrowhead Regional Development Commission in supporting the Duluth-Superior Metropolitan Interstate Council (the MPO for the

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