Tag: Colorado

Advancing Collaborative Planning: Summary of a Focus Group on Transportation and Economic Development

In March 2016, the NADO Research Foundation held a focus group, during which participants developed a framework that emphasizes doing economic development and transportation planning differently:
Economic development in transportation involves deliberate interventions to produce tangible benefits that are specific to the context, are sustained over time, and make a place more resilient.

Colorado’s TPRs at a Glance

Colorado’s Department of Transportation has published its 2014 roster for its Transportation Planning Regions. The document provides contact information for key transportation individuals from across the state. Click here to

Merging Transportation and Economic Development

Ed Morlan and Laura Lewis Marchino of the Region 9 Economic Development District, based in Durango, CO, gave this presentation at the 2008 NADO Annual Conference. The presentation describes efforts to


Though Colorado does not have a formal RPO structure, the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) has a centralized planning process and consults with regional organizations for input.  Since 1991, Colorado

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