Rural and Small Urban Mobility Innovations Workshop Resources

In This Article:

The NADO Research Foundation, Western Transportation Institute, and National RTAP hosted a September 20 virtual workshop featuring examples of how communities across the U.S. are expanding mobility options in the areas of transit and active transportation.

Workshop Presentations and Resources

Additional Resources

Western Transportation Institute:
Interactive Mobility Map
Rural Mobility Examples Handout
Case Studies of Communities Less than 10,000
Deep East Texas Voucher System
What is Microtransit?

National RTAP:
National RTAP website
Training and Webinars

Shared-Use Mobility Center:
Learning Modules

Small Town and Rural Design Guide

National Conference on Rural and Intercity Bus Transportation
(virtual October 25-27, 2021)

Workshop Evaluation
Did you attend the September 20 workshop? Is so, share your feedback by completing an evaluation form.

Workshop Description
Would communities and employers in your region like to expand transportation options for access to work, healthcare, school, shopping, and social activities? Maybe you’re adding public transit or demand response service or considering shared ride, bike share or bike libraries for residents and visitors. Perhaps you’d like to expand mobile-based apps or enhance marketing and awareness about existing transportation options.   

No matter your mobility goals, reach out to the Western Transportation Institute, National Association of Development Organizations Research Foundation, and National Rural Transit Assistance Program to learn how small towns and rural areas across the U.S. are moving beyond traditional transportation and adopting new mobility!

Next workshop: Register for the September 22 Transportation Management Association Workshop.

This workshop series is made possible through the support of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development.

Additional Resources


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