Everyone Walks: Understanding and Addressing Pedestrian Safety

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The 2015 Governors Highway Safety Association publication Everyone Walks: Understanding and Addressing Pedestrian Safety (PDF) provides a comprehensive look at an important transportation safety topic.

While pedestrian fatalities have decreased over time, the share of pedestrian fatalities in total U.S. roadway fatalities has increased from 11 – 12% in the 2000s to 13 – 14% between 2010 – 2013. Although the majority of pedestrian fatalities occur in urban settings, at 73%, pedestrian safety remains an important issue for rural areas and small towns as well.

This guide includes a background for understanding pedestrian safety.  In addition to intentional pedestrians, motorists whose cars break down, utility and construction workers, tow truck operators, and public safety employees all may come into harm’s way conducting their routine jobs in and along roads.  Distracted walking increases risk of coming into harm’s way, but this report documents efforts to improve pedestrian safety through federal initiatives, funding opportunities, and state and local policies.  Sections on the enforcement of policies and educating roadway users contain short case studies and actionable information for decisionmakers and planners.  A series of key takeaways provide guidance on clear steps to take to improve pedestrian safety.

Access the report here (PDF).

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