Category: RTPO States


After soliciting rural transportation planning proposals from existing multicounty regional development organizations (RDOs), the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) awarded two-year pilot project contracts to five organizations to form regional


To comply with new requirements for regional-level coordinated human services transportation planning included in the 2005 surface transportation law Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users


The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) works with the state’s nine regional development organizations (known locally as regional planning commissions or RPCs) and 14 MPOs to establish a coordinated approach


In 1990, the Washington state legislature passed the Growth Management Act, which in part authorized the state’s Regional Transportation Planning Program.  This program created Regional Transportation Planning Organizations (RTPOs) in


Virginia has implemented a Rural Transportation Planning Program (RTPP) to address the needs of nonmetropolitan areas of the state. The program is implemented in partnership with the state’s 20 regional


In general, the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) conducts the state’s transportation planning process in rural areas under 50,000 people that are not served by an MPO.  Rural transportation needs


In Texas, regional planning organizations (RPOs) provide rural transportation planning support to places located outside of designated metropolitan planning areas that are served by an MPO.  The role of these


Prior to establishing a statewide network of RPOs, Tennessee DOT (TDOT) formed regional working groups to improve transparent and responsive decision making.  These working groups were intended to bring information

South Dakota

South Dakota’s regional development organizations (known locally as councils of government (COGs) or planning and development districts (PDDs)) do not have a formal transportation planning role and do not function

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