Category: Safety

Rural/Urban Safety Data Available

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) released 2018 data related to traffic fatalities in the Traffic Safety Facts brief Rural/Urban Comparison of Traffic Fatalities (PDF). According to the brief,

Rural Road to Zero Virtual Summit: 9/29-10/1

The Rural Road to Zero Summit, sponsored by the National Center for Rural Road Safety, will take place virtually this year from September 29 – October 1, 2020 and will

GHSA Releases Safety Report: Speeding Away from Zero

The Governors Highway Safety Association has released a new report on transportation safety, Speeding Away from Zero: Rethinking a Forgotten Traffic Safety Challenge.  The report focuses on factors related to

New Online Transportation Safety Course Available

The Federal Highway Administration’s National Highway Institute has announced a new, free web-based training called Safety Data and Analysis Fundamentals.  The course includes content on data and collection methods, as

Solving for Safety Visualization Challenge

The U.S. Department of Transportation has announced a new initiative to award $350,000 in cash prizes innovative analytical visualization tools to better understand or guide decision making about safety.  Tools developed

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