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Category: Freight

Open Applications for RTEPF Grant Program

The FHWA has opened applications for the first round of a new $400 million competitive grant program. The Reduction of Truck Emissions at Port Facilities (RTEPF) program seeks to reduce

FHWA Releases Freight Analysis Framework Update

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has announced a freight flow data release for the Freight Analysis Framework (FAF) version 5. A full FAF data update occurs every five years in

USDOT Releases National Freight Strategic Plan

On September 3, the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) released its first National Freight Strategic Plan.  The plan was developed through a multi-agency effort involving extensive consultation with freight stakeholders

National Coalition on Truck Parking Report

The National Coalition on Truck Parking has released a report on its activities in 2015 – 2016.  The coalition is a partnership among the U.S. Department of Transportation and stakeholder

Financing Freight Improvements

This January 2007 guidebook from FHWA describes funding and financing tools available for freight investments and was designed to provide information to the FHWA, states, MPOs, and other parties interested

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