Category: Economic Development

Regional Approaches to Resilience: Transportation Infrastructure

In 2011, two federally declared major disasters inundated central Pennsylvania towns and destroyed roads, rails, and bridges. With budgets already stretched thin and the threat of more frequent and intense storm events in the near future, the SEDA Council of Governments has undertaken a number of efforts to build resilience throughout their regional infrastructure networks.

Tour de Farm – Utilizing Cycling to Promote Agritourism

In an effort to encourage alternative modes of transportation and promote the region’s growing sustainable agriculture industry, the River Valley Regional Commission (RVRC) partnered with Café Campesino, Georgia Organics, and

Economic Development – Planning Web site

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) maintains this website focused on highway related economic development, which contains links to reports, studies and other resources, including links to research on rural interstates.

Economic Impact of Public Transportation Investment

This report focuses on how investment in public transportation affects the economy in terms of employment, wages and business income. The report, released in 2009, was prepared for the American

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