Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Resources, Grant Program

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Several resources are available to enhance rural transportation safety with a focus on reducing bicycle and pedestrian injuries and fatalities.  September 28 – October 2 is Rural Road Safety Awareness Week, and October is National Pedestrian Safety Month

  • U.S. DOT has released new data dashboards that contain pedestrian and pedal cyclist crash and fatality data by state, region, county, and city. Additional dashboards illustrate crash characteristics, road classification, vehicle type, age, sex, and time of day.
  • The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has an Everyone is a Pedestrian marketing toolkit with images, press release templates, and sample messages related to speed, distracted driving, illegal school bus passing, and time-of-day considerations. 
  • NHTSA has a Bicyclist and Pedestrian Safety (PDF) fact sheet intended for transportation system users with information about challenges and resources.
  • The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Office of Safety maintains a collection of Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Resources
  • FHWA’s Small Town and Rural Multimodal Networks guide applies existing national design guidelines in a rural setting and highlights small town and rural case studies.
  • The Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center develops and shares resources vital to advancing mobility, access, equity, and safety for pedestrians and bicyclists.

In addition, America Walks will announce its 2020 Community Change grant program on October 5. Grant applications will be accepted between October 5 – November 9. Community Change grants are awarded to communities creating safe, accessible, equitable, and enjoyable places to walk and be physically active. The grant program works to provide support to the growing network of advocates, organizations, and agencies using innovative, engaging, and inclusive programs and projects to create change at the community level.

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