You are invited to attend the Mobility, Economic Resilience, and Substance Use Disorder Workshop Series. Please join attendees from across eastern Kentucky to discuss mobility resources and opportunities to support recovery, work, and regional resilience. Each workshop will include a mix of presentations, discussion, and smaller group conversations.
Upcoming Workshops
Additional workshops will be scheduled in 2021!
Previous Workshops
November 17, 1 – 3 p.m. ET: Rural Transportation Opportunities
- Complete workshop packet (PDF), including Agenda, Additional Resources, Innovations in Rural Mobility Cases, Accessing the Interactive Mobility Map
- Introduction slides, Carrie Kissel, Associate Director, National Association of Development Organizations Research Foundation
- Helping Communities Identify Resources, Understand the Problem, and Take Action, Betty-Ann Bryce, Special Advisor for Rural Affairs, National Opioids and Synthetics Coordination Group, Office of National Drug Control Policy
- Federal Resources for Rural Transportation, Marianne Stock, Chief, Rural and Targeted Programs, Federal Transit Administration
- Innovations in Rural Mobility presentation and handout (PDF), David Kack, Executive Director, and Karalyn Clouser, Research Associate, Western Transportation Institute at Montana State University
- Interactive Mobility Map and Directions for Accessing the Map (PDF)
December 01, 1 – 3 p.m. ET: Supporting Recovery and Economic Resilience
- Complete workshop packet (PDF), including Agenda, and Additional Resources
- Introduction slides, Carrie Kissel, Associate Director, National Association of Development Organizations Research Foundation
- Recovery Capital for Substance Use Disorders, Alex Elswick, PhD, Assistant Extension Professor, University of Kentucky
- Workforce Sourcing Solutions to Attract and Retain Candidates, Bill Sandell, Kentucky Career Center
- The Kentucky Small Business Development Center, Rodney Kuhl, Kentucky SBDC
- KY Federal Bonding Fact Sheet (PDF) and FBP Employers and Job-Seekers Brochure (PDF)
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Workshop Hosts
This series is hosted by the Big Sandy Area Development District, Cumberland Valley Area Development District, Kentucky River Area Development District, and the National Association of Development Organizations Research Foundation, together with the Western Transportation Institute and National Rural Transit Assistance Program. Funding support has been provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.